Wednesday, November 28, 2018

'Minority Rights' means Different things to Minority Elites and Minority Underclass. To Minority Elites, it means the Right to Rule. To Minority Underclass, it means struggle for representation. Jewish Minority Overlords and Non-White Minority Underclass.

'Minority Rights' means Different things to Minority Elites and Minority Underclass. To Minority Elites, it means the Right to Rule. To Minority Underclass, it means struggle for representation. Jewish Minority Overlords and Non-White Minority Underclass.

There are different meanings to ‘minority rights’. We must ask, what kind of minority are we talking about, and what is meant by ‘rights’?

After all, both British imperialist elites and the native Untouchables were minorities in India. But whereas one minority, the Brits, was at the top, the other minority, the Untouchables, was at the bottom.

For the British imperialists, ‘minority rights’ meant the right to rule over Hindu(and Muslim) masses. For the Untouchables, 'minority rights’ would have meant the modest hope of having the same legal protections conferred upon other Indians of 'higher' castes.

A similar confusion of meaning perplexes the Current West when it comes to 'minorities' and 'rights'. After all, right-to-rule(like the Divine Rights) is light years apart from right-to-representation. One is for kings, the other is for the peons. (To be sure, universal rights flowed from elite rights. The idea of rights began at the top and gradually reached the bottom.)

In the US and UK, Jews are the ruling minority or the minority elites. (Homos also belong to this group.) But Mexicans, many blacks, and many immigrant groups are either part of the minority underclass or minority ordinary folks; they have no special power or out-sized ambitions & expectations(though blacks have out-sized egos that demand attention and adulation, the blings and glitter). Asians do better academically & economically than most other immigrant groups, but their dim sense of identity and servile attitude don't translate to much power and prestige. Even in Hawaii where yellows constitute the majority, they lack political will or cultural vigor. They are just parrots and puppets of PC emanating from Harvard and Hollywood.

So, ‘minority rights’ means different things to Jews and to other minorities. For Jews, it means the quasi-divine right to rule over US & UK and make demands & dictate policy. Old ‘antisemitism’ used to mean denial of basic rights and liberties to Jews. New ‘antisemitism’ means any kind of criticism of or challenge(no matter how justified) to the Jewish supremacist right-to-rule over goyim.
And the logic is similarly operative with homo politics. ‘Gay rights’ used to mean the tolerance of allowing homos be homo and do their own thing without persecution. Today, ‘gay rights’(or Gay Rites as the neo-religion of Homomania) means we must admire, celebrate, and worship homos as angels and even change marriage laws to appease the Great Holy Homo. It means those who mock or deride the so-called LGBTQXYZ community, culture, lifestyle, or agenda must be quarantined as being afflicted with 'phobia' and be blacklisted. (In Castro's Cuba, homos suspected of HIV were quarantined and stigmatized. In the Jew-run West, sane people who seen LGBTQ nonsense for what it is are effectively contained and blacklisted from engaging in social discourse and economic competition.) And we must even put homo regalia(or re-gay-lia) in churches. It’s as if homos have some divine right to be admired and adulated, and so, we humble folks must perform our obligatory duty to homos as our 'spiritual' superiors. In all big cities, it is virtually mandatory for all politicians and 'respectable' citizens to sing hosannas to homos & trannies and take part in 'gay pride' parades. Indeed, people mustn’t even joke about(or cringe over) something as ridiculous as Bruce Jenner calling himself 'Caitlyn' or Bradley Manning(as Chelsea) expressing joy over replacing his penis and balls with a fake 'vagina'. (In the UK, a criminal investigation is under way to hunt the man who cursed out precious Brucie.) We must laud and applaud like dumb dogs at the feet of their master.

Now, there are other minorities that also demand special favors. Blacks demand affirmative action, and Mexicans demand affirmative immigration(amnesty). But many blacks and Mexicans are on the bottom looking up. Their hope is to reach the middle. (To be sure, too many blacks just fantasize about being sports stars or rappers, goals out of reach for most blacks, but then, blacks are stupid.) But even if blacks and browns demand special favors, they won’t amount to much and will never gain elite power in the West(unless they race-mix with higher-IQ Jews, whites, or Asians). Historically, all they could hope for was equality(and then some) under the law.

In contrast, equality of any kind isn’t good enough for Jews(and homos) anymore. For them, ‘rights’ means something closer to ‘divine right to rule’. Jews are now addicted to supremacism and won't settle for anything less. The New 'Antisemitism' isn't about denying Jews basic rights(what the rest of us have) but refusing to cave to all their demands(as rightful decrees of overlords who deign to rule over us as 'sheeple').
But the current arrangement makes Jews nervous because it is natural for the masses to resent and challenge the ruling elites, especially if of another racial, ethnic, and/or religious identity. Jews are different from non-Jews both ethnically and religiously. This makes Jews nervous because they, as the current ruling elites, make natural focus of the critics of power and populist angst.

So, to morally shield their power, Jews associate themselves with minorities who are relatively powerless. (Notice how Jews rig admissions at Ivy League Schools to favor Jewish students but obfuscate this operation by making all the usual noises about the need for 'Diversity'. Jews hide behind affirmative action for blacks and browns to justify the current 'holistic' system, the main agenda of which is to favor Jews uber alles.)

Since many immigrant groups have historically arrived with little and started on the bottom), they've been pegged in the popular imagination as humble and vulnerable(like a newborn baby), indeed as if Ellis Island Blues is still the anthem of New America. So, Jews associate with immigrants as 'fellow minorities'. This way, Jewish minority supremacist power is morally sanctified in association with the 'huddled masses' of recent arrivals who presumably need protection from the native populist mobs and nationalist 'xenophobes'. By posturing as noble defenders and champions of newly arrived minority immigrants, Jewish minority supremacist elites pose with(and even as) the 'powerless' by association. It's like the desperate alliance of the minority Afrikaner minority elite and the black Inkatha Freedom Party in the twilight yrs of Apartheid South Africa. Even though whites were at the top and Inkatha party members were on the bottom, they were both minorities(racial or political) and faced the challenge of the ANC party supported by the great majority of blacks. (Inkatha Party, as the political embodiment of the historically aggressive & expansionist Zulus, found common ground with European-Imperialists who came to dominate South Africa.)

The logic behind Jewish minority uber-elite alliance with economically depressed non-white minorities(mainly browns and blacks) and scab-immigrant-mercenaries is comical if one thinks about it. (Keep in mind the British Imperialists also used Migration-Collaboration to bolster their empire. Brits used Chinese migrant-minorities in Southeast Asia and shipped tons of Asian Indians to Africa to do their bidding. It was also under British Empire that the Jewish migration to Palestine began in earnest, and we know how that turned out for the native Arabs. Today, Jews control US & EU and use mass-migrations of non-whites to alter the balance of power in the West by reducing native whites into just another minority at the mercy of the divide-and-rule master strategy of the Tribe.) Imagine if the British Imperialist Elites in India sided with the Untouchables as ‘fellow minorities’ against the ‘bigoted’ and ‘populist’ masses of Hindus and Muslims demanding national liberation and independence from alien imperialism. Imagine the gall of the British ruling minority elite making overtures to the Untouchables, the underclass minority, and claiming shared victim-hood as ‘fellow minorities’ regardless of the fact that the British minority rule as the Master Class whereas the Untouchable minority is mired in poverty at the bottom. That would have been pretty amusing. But devious as the Brits could be, they didn't have the sheer audacity of chutzpah to pull off something that ridiculous.

That said, there were times when the Brits did advance the Minority Issue to morally justify their rule over India. In Richard Attenborough’s movie GANDHI, the British ruling minority presents itself as the protective guarantors for the Muslim minority from the potentially domineering Hindu majority were India to gain independence. The Brits were "masters in someone else's home" just like Jewish globo-homo elites are currently in the West. For Jews, everything is a question of "Is it good for Jews?", and this is why Jews get hysterical when whites begin to ask a similar question, i.e. "Is Jewish power good for whites?" As far as Jews are concerned, Jews and whites must share the same premise: "Is it good for Jews?" Jews must operate to serve Jewish interests, and so must white folks. One might call it shared interest and destiny, but the same can be said for master and dog. Master and dog both act on the basis of "Is it good for the master?" Shared interest is not the same thing as common interest. In a case of common interest, both sides have autonomy and arrive at a compromise that benefits both sides more-or-less equally. In contrast, there is no guarantee of parity in shared interest. Master and slave have shared interest, but it's all about the slave serving the master. Jews and whites cooperating on the basis of either 'Is it good for Jews?' or 'Is it good for whites?' is a case of shared interest, but the former is about whites serving Jews whereas the latter is about Jews serving whites. It makes all the difference.

Thankfully for India, it had a leader of Gandhi’s caliber who was witty, shrewd, and devious enough to match wits like a lawyer with the British. (He would have made Professor Kingsfield of PAPER CHASE proud.) Too bad the West lacks such leaders with just the right combination of cleverness, will, tenacity, and resolve.
Back then, the British Imperialists claimed that India was ‘British’. Now, the bloody fools in UK, under the influence of their Jewish masters, say non-white immigrant-invaders are the ‘New British’.

Gandhi urged Indians to engage in civil disobedience until the British minority elites left. Maybe white Europeans can do something similar. A strategy of mass non-cooperation and civil disobedience until the West is cleansed of globo-homo imperialism, cuck-collaborators, and Third World migrant-invaders & African sexual colonizers doing ACOWW(or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs).
Since overt resistance has been banned by the PC state, whites can exert their collective will through mass non-cooperation. (Whites can start by asserting that they will no longer support WARS FOR ISRAEL and act as goons for Jewish Imperialists. Let Jews fight their own wars.) But then, so many whites have been led to believe that Diversity is sacrosanct and that restoration of nationalism is unacceptable. After all, PC reminds them endlessly that the truest expression of 'European(or Western) values' is hankering for spicy exotic restaurants and jungle fever mating with Negroes. (Interestingly enough, Brexit won in UK because of older voters, but Macron won in France especially with the older demographic, 80% of whom chose him over Marine Le Pen.)

The future of Europe will be determined by whether it can produce leaders like Gandhi, Mao, Lenin, Ataturk, Mussolini, Castro, T. E. Lawrence, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler, DeGaulle, and maybe Putin(as fate of Russia is still uncertain). While some of those men were pathological and dangerous, they could play politics on the grandest scale. When a civilization is faced with an 'existential' crisis, it calls out for visionaries and prophets, not technocrats, paper-shufflers, and wine-sippers. Run-of-the-mill 'leaders' won’t do. The current heads of state in Europe are not leaders but spineless flunkies of globalist oligarchs(with Jews having the most power due to Moral Advantage stemming from Shoah-Worship, the reigning religion of the West; a white goy with $10 billion is richer than a Jew with $1 billion, but the latter has 'spiritual' advantage because the Shoah Cult confers holiness upon him; the material has a price tag whereas the spiritual is priceless, and Jews have priceless value due to their moral exploitation of the WWII tragedy). Just look at Justin Trudeau the Man-Child cuck of Jewish donors. Why did so many Canadians vote for such pathetic clowns? Because Jews control media & academia and have infected so many white minds with nothing but PC and Pop Culture. 'Celebristianity'(largely shaped by Jews, Afros, and 'gays' or JAG) is the neo-religion of the West.

If Europe keeps producing nonentities like Merkel, Macron, Hollande, Sarkozy, Blair, Cameron, May, Berlusconi, and even Farage, it’s finished. Things are getting serious, and it will take real visionaries of wit and grit who can take the shit.
As for nationalists, the likes of Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and others won’t do. (The exception may be Viktor Orban.) They are too much part of the system(despite disapproval from the ruling elites) and unable or unwilling for bold action under current rules that are totally rigged by media, academia, and deep state. Trump made it in the US, but he is not a serious man. He’s a showman and salesman, and he can’t be counted on to do much that really matters.
Also, as long as enough white people are comfortable and satiated with bread & circuses and mentally infected with PC for the time being, it's difficult to shake them out of their doldrums.
If Europe is to be saved, it will require the rise of truly remarkable individuals with the power to inspire, lead, and forever alter the trajectory of history.

Extreme times call for powerful personalities.

The threat that Europe faces is the greatest ever. Past wars and repressions were horrible, but WWI and WWII were still about white Europe. So, even after millions died, it was the same white Europe. And as bad as communism was, it didn’t change the demographics in most communist nations.
But now, things are direly different. Not only is Europe being colonized physically by foreign masses but European minds have been PC-colonized to ‘welcome’ this as a good thing, even as a 'European' thing.

We need a new set of leaders and rulers who can eradicate the mental virus from European minds and purge them of this ‘guilt’ and ‘fever’. Indeed, the task is daunting because whites welcome mass invasion not only out of ‘white guilt’ but because of ‘afro-fever’, aka jungle fever. European women are turning into sexual deserters who are offering their wombs to millions of African men who are storming the beaches of Europe. As African birthrate is 6 or 7 children per women and since EU has a policy of ‘saving’ millions of self-stranded Negroes in the sea, the demographic and sexual math for Europe is horrible.

White minds are colonized by Jewish PC, white lands are colonized by Third World mobs, white males bodies are brutalized by stronger Negro men, and white females’ wombs are colonized by Negro seeds. It is White Nakba.

In Jewish history, there were two kinds of cleansers: prophets and warriors. Prophets cleansed Jewish minds of the virus of pagan idolatry and reminded them of the Covenant with God. And the warriors took up arms to do battle with enemies of Jews. (The third kind of Jews were diplomats who used wit and cunning to negotiate with rivals, enemies, or overlords of Jews.)

Anyway, unless warriors have vision and conviction, they are mere mercenaries(or Janissaries). In order for white knights to rise, white souls must be cleansed and purged of the PC virus of guilt-and-fever.
It’s like Islam has two meanings for ‘Jihad’. One means to do physical combat against infidel, but there is another meaning that says the soul must be cleansed of infidel ideas and images.

In the present, even if great white leaders were to rise, majority of white masses will curse them and denounce them since their minds have been infected with the crazy idea that ‘racism’ is the greatest sin when, in fact, race-ism is a most noble creed and conviction.

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