Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Five Queasy Pieces, or Five Queasy Observations About a World Gone Wrong: Kurds and Diversity - White Vacuity - US and EU as Replay of the British and French Empires - Jewish Two-Way Strategy vs Goy One-Way Strategy - Moral Paradox of the Self-Righteous


Kurds and Diversity

If, as our globalist masters keep assuring us, there’s nothing more wonderful than ‘diversity’, then the Kurds would be the most blessed people on Earth. Having no nation of their own, homogeneous or majoritarian, Kurds are dispersed across several countries in which they are minorities. Thus, they are surrounded by ‘diversity’ wherever they happen to live. In no place are they cursed with homogeneity or majority representation. Rather, they must rub shoulders with various other peoples, the majorities and other minorities, of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and etc.

Jewish Globalists and their shills, such as Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, have been promising new wonders for whites who are to welcome their future as minorities in the US. And given current trends across much of Western and even Central Europe, ‘diversity’ is remaking those lands too. By some estimates, nations like Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and etc. will, within several decades, become white-minority nations bursting at the seams with ‘vibrant’ Diversity. In other words, the fate of whites around the world shall be that of the Kurds, a people without a nation to call their own.
And yet, the globalists, who push for ‘diversity’ on white and various goy nations, constantly remind us that the plight of the Kurds owes to their lack of a homeland to call their own. What?
If indeed ‘diversity’ is such a blessing and all goy nations should blissfully anticipate a future when the indigenous or founding folks are reduced to minorities, why has history been so troublesome for the Kurds who are minorities in every country they inhabit?
Of course, the globalist sympathy for Kurds is just crocodile tears to justify the Zionist-controlled US occupation of entire swaths of Middle East in the name of fighting terrorism(even though the US has been protecting ISIS and Alqaeda against Syria) and protecting Kurds, who’ve been cynically exploited by the most evil people in the world, the Zionist Supremacists.

White Vacuity

There’s been a lot of yakking in ‘woke’ circles about White Fragility, but the real problem seems to be White Vacuity. White people are hollow, empty of mind and soul. Sure, the ‘woke’ or so-called ‘progressive’ crowd generates a lot of noise with their righteous rage and fight against ‘hate’ and the like. But, true conscience grows out of individuality, reason, skepticism, and grounding in facts. It’s not true conscience when one’s sense of right-and-wrong simply derives from a dog-like obedience to the scepter and megaphone.
Take the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution in China. They were so full sound and fury in their crusade against ‘counter-revolutionaries’. But, did any of them think it through? As mindless minions of Mao, they screamed and smashed as told and directed. A gigantic case of the Hollow Yellow.
And now, we have White Vacuity all across the West. The very people who never had an individual thought, let alone idea, have been suddenly mobilized into howling mobs marching with Antifa and BLM to smash monuments and wreak havoc from Los Angeles to Chicago to New York to London and other European cities.
If, at the very least, the rage genuinely flowed from their individual hearts and minds, however twisted such may be, one would have to give the devil his due; he really means it, indeed would fight and die for it. But all these tantrums have been orchestrated from above, prepackaged like microwaveable meals. The very people who’d been perfectly fine with gentrification of big cities were suddenly out in full force as part of the BLM mob demanding ‘justice’ for blacks. Never mind ‘blue cities’ politics had always been controlled by Democrats, not by GOP or Trump.
Hardly better than the howling mobs are the genteel ‘educated’ and upper-middle class whites. They too are vacuous in their own way, and one need look no further than their needy gullibility for crackpot notions such as ‘white fragility’ and whatever nonsense peddled by the likes of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibrahim Kendi X, black personas carefully curated by Jews to bait and milk whites with collective ‘guilt’. People with real sense and living souls don’t fall for such garbage; they also have hardier defenses against status anxiety and social/class conformity. Populism can be dumb, but even worse is statusism where one’s worldview is essentially a matter of social anxiety among statusites.
White Vacuity must be for real as only a soul-hollowed people could fall for Globo-Homo, Tranny-Wanny, 100 genders, Drag-queen Story Hour, Russia Collusion Hoax, BLM baloney, Magic Negro tropes, Holocaustianity(whereby historical tragedy is worshiped as a cult), ‘diversity’ & open borders, Covidian Cult & ‘trust the science’ Fauci-mania, ‘Muh Ukraine’ & Zelensky adoration, Climate change hysteria, slut-feminism, and etc.
White Vacuity reveals how empty white souls eagerly swallow whatever’s being peddled by Jews IN THE MOMENT. Nature abhors a vacuum, and white souls are the same way. Hollowed of their traditional values and convictions, they crave meaning but cannot find or construct it on their own as whiteness has been degraded. Who are they, as yucky white people, to say what is right or wrong? No, they must rely on the Holy Other to tell them what is what, and vacuous whites have outsourced conscience to Jews who exploit ‘social justice’ to run circles around whites as wheaks and whummies. I mean, what kind of people believe themselves to be ‘more evolved’ because they admire homo-fecal-penetration as ‘rainbow’ wonderment? What kind of people fall into the protocol of introducing themselves with ‘my pronouns'(and accept that ‘he’ can be a ‘she’, even a ‘they’, and if you disagree, YOU are ‘misgendering’ a fat hairy guy with delusions that he’s a ‘girl’)?
But then, maybe the problem goes deeper. Why did the White West adopt Christianity? Why were their souls filled with an alien spiritual system in rejection of their own indigenous pagan cultures? A sign even back then that whites were weak in spiritual imagination and moral substance and needed the OTHER to fill their famished souls?


US and EU, a Replay of British Empire and French Empire?

Once upon a time, Britain and France vied for world dominance. With Spain and Portugal in irreversible decline, Germany as yet to unite, and America still being developed, the great rivalry was between the British Empire and the French Empire. In time, with mastery of the seas, rapid industrialization, and closer ties with America(despite the bad blood of 1776), the British gained the upper-hand. But, instead of opting for absolute world mastery via ever more costly wars with France, the Brits arrived at an accommodation. Besides, if excessively alienated by the British, the French would inch closer to the other powers. Better to keep France as an imperial partner whereby the British Empire got the first picks with the leftovers going to the French.
A similar dynamic now exists between the US and the EU, though it’s complicated by Jewish Power that controls both. The US and EU are allies, but it’s far from an equal partnership. As the British got the choicest picks and the French gobbled up the leftovers, the US eats first and the seconds for the EU. Consider the Iraq War. Saddam Hussein cut a deal with the EU to trade in Euro and negotiated with European oil companies. A good deal for Europe. But the US, as the premier partner, had other ideas, and the US got to grab Iraq and its oil fields. France signed a deal to supply Australia with submarines, but the US cut in with its own deal.
Of course, if only the US benefited while Europeans got nothing, the EU would eventually go its own way(and grow closer to Russia and Asia). So, despite the piggish ways of the US, the EU is still favored for the second-pickings. The US eats first, the EU eats second. Japan & East Asian Pussies eat third. And as part of NATO, EU nations get to flex their muscle as the junior partner of the World Hegemon. But if the current Russo-Jewish War, aka Ukraine Conflict, effectively de-industrializes Europe to the benefit of the US, can this neo-imperial pact between the US and EU last for much longer? One thing for sure, UK and France were once sovereign powers, whereas the US and EU are essentially whores of the higher power, the Empire of Judea.

Jewish Two-Way vs Goy One-Way

One of the key advantages of Jewish Power is the Two-Way Strategy, which is doable because goyim aren’t protected by taboos. It’s fair game to bash any bunch of goyim in the West, with the exception of blacks(protected by taboos on ‘racism’) and homos(protected by taboos on ‘homophobia’). The Two-Way Strategy allows Jews to both work with and wage war on certain goyim. So, Jews will work with China but also bash China. Jews will work with Russia but also wage war on Russia. Jews beat up on Trump but also worked with him, especially to favor Israel uber alles. Jews impugn Christianity but also flatter Christians as the biggest whores for Zion and Wars for Israel.
Jewish Power both slaps you and shakes your hand. It spits on you and kisses you. It kicks you and massages you. The Nice Jew tactic disarms you from calling out on the Nasty Jew tactic; after all, you might offend the ‘Good Jew’ or ‘friendly Jew’ by cursing out the Bad Jew or Nasty Jew. (Rather odd that the ‘good Jew’ usually sides with the Bad Jew than with the good goy wronged by the Bad Jew.)
Now, power is the product of being nasty as well as nice. Guys who are ONLY NICE finish last. If you want power, you have to get nasty, at least to a degree. It’s dog-eat-dog. Jews act just nice enough to keep the deals going but then get nasty to make sure they’re on top. If Jews only acted nasty, goyim would quit dealing with Jews. But if Jews only acted nice, they’d be pushovers than the pushers.
Of course, Jews are advantaged in this game because of the taboo of ‘antisemitism’. It’s no problem for Jews or any people to badmouth Russians, Iranians, Turks, Chinese, Mexicans, Arabs, and etc. but any critical talk about Jews is deemed ‘antisemitic’ and ‘unacceptable’, at least in the West and its satellites. So, while Jews can both slap the goyim and offer a handshake, goyim can only shake but not slap. So, while Jews play nice-and-nasty, goyim can either play ‘nice’ and lose to Jews OR play ‘nasty’ and be shunned from global commerce(like Iran is).
But imagine how things could be different IF goyim could play it like Jews. The Two-Way Strategy. Jews work behind the scenes closely with the Chinese, often against White America, but Jews also bash China in public to direct white frustration at the ‘Chicoms’. Jews also denounce China of ‘genocide’ of the Uighurs, all the while brokering deals for profit.
Now, imagine if China could do the same thing. Work with Jews to get what is good for China but also get nasty about the Jews. If Jews drone on and on about Uighur ‘genocide’, China can go hard about the Zionist ‘genocide’ of Palestinians and Arabs. The world would be a lot more interesting if goyim could handshake and slap the Jews like Jews handshake and slap goyim. But first, one must clear the hurdle of taboos that protect Jewish Power from criticism. Jews work with goyim but also beat on goyim. It’s time for goyim to work with Jews but also beat on them. It’s only fair.

The Moral Paradox of the Self-Righteous

Morality is about right and wrong, but so often the case, stronger the moral passion, weaker the ethical principles. Those so sure of themselves feel anything is justified in service to that certitude, even if it means violating every rule in the book. It was so with the Catholic Church that surely knew many of the ‘miracles’ were hoaxes, but hey, as long as they were useful to God and the church!
Given American Conservatism has been characterized by defensive moderation and moral timidity, it had no chance of standing up to radical and hysterical passions. And given American Populism was defined by arrogance and appetite — “We Americans eat more and kick more ass” —, it wasn’t very conducive to the cultivation of moral sensibility. Rush Limbaugh was essentially about steaks and cigars, and Trump’s popularity owed to a flashy display of luxury.
Against such timidity(of ‘respectable’ conservatives) and crudity(of vulgar populists), it’s no wonder that the so-called ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ gained the moral upper-hand. Though decadent and/or degenerate, they were imbued with an impassioned, indeed rabid and virulent, vision of ‘justice’, of the war between angels and demons. Also, whereas the ‘right’ always caved to Jewish Power, the main source of anti-white hatred, the ‘left’ was given green light from Jews to wage total war on whites.
No wonder the so-called ‘progressives’ came to believe they were the sole proprietors of justice and truth. When faced with timidity or crudity on the ‘right’, your side must be better because it’s all fired up about the issues with the most currency: ‘racism’, ‘sexism’, ‘antisemitism’, ‘homophobia’, and etc.
Feeling so justified and believing the other side to be either totally evil or totally stupid, especially with the Jewish-Media-Monopoly presenting Donald Trump as ‘literally Hitler’ or ‘worse than Hitler’, the globo-degenerates could only believe ‘god’ is on their side. Being so ‘woke’ and correct, at least in opposition to the ‘evil right’, anything could be justified.
After all, in a war with Satan, even imperfect angels are preferable to the Devil’s minions. Via control of academia and media, Jews have shaped the ideology and idolatry by which most people, ‘conservatives’ included, live by.
The ‘woke’ sheeple are so prone to seeing the world in binaries of Good and Evil that they believe ANYTHING they do, no matter how dirty and lowdown, is justified against Great Satan. If Putin’s Russia is really so very evil(for its national sovereignty defiant of the all-mighty-and-holy globo-homo and its revival of traditional Christian values), then ANYTHING, even war crimes and support for Ukro-sub-nazis, is justified in service to the great crusade in the name of the holy homo bung.
It’s not unlike how religious folks through the ages, Christian or Islam, felt justified in doing horrible things in the name of God. The acts may have been dubious in and of themselves but ostensibly redeemed in service to God against Satan. Some of the most insane mass-killers have been ideological purists(like the Khmer Rouge) and the religiously righteous(like ISIS, Alqaeda, and of course Jim Jones).
Then, it’s hardly surprising that some of the most unprincipled and unethical deeds are being done by those who feel most (self)righteous. Black megalomania of holy victimology will push any lie — “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, BLM hysterics, hate hoaxes galore, nonstop defamation of white people, tons of criminality & victimization of nonblacks as righteous retribution — in the name of combating ‘racism’. Jews are so high on their Holocaust Martyrdom mania that they are always feel, even when they’re clearly wrong. Every Jewish Gangster feels as Anne Frank.
And today’s ‘woke’ journalists are essentially quasi-religious zealots and inquisitors who believe ‘god’(in the form of sacred Jews, magic blacks, and miraculous homos) is on their side. With such blessing from the holies and committed to the ‘right side of history’, they believe any breach of ethics and rules is justified IF it serves the Good Cause, with the ‘good’ defined of course by Jewish Supremacists. So blinded by their moral narcissism, they never bother to ask if their worldview is based on truth and reason, or logic applied to the facts of the world.
Morality is essential but has a way of devouring itself when so full of itself. Morality into self-adulation believes itself to be above the rules. So, doing well in school thanks to diligence and self-discipline is ‘white supremacism’ because it hurts the pride of blacks deemed sacred simply for being favored in the currently debased moral hierarchy. (One thing for sure, it goes to show people can be made to feel very moral about immoral things. We live in an age when so many ‘educated’ fools feel so absolutely righteous because they’re so sure that a fat hairy guy is a real woman if so he insists.)
And there’s the US constantly invoking ‘muh democracy’ to justify all its criminal and neo-imperialist actions around the world. Granted, some do it cynically for Machiavellian tactics, but there are enough people who’ve drunk the America-the-exceptional-city-on-a-hill BS so often that they believe the US is always justified no matter what it does and how.


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