Why all this hair-splitting over a mere 2.5% of the population? Granted, Americans are so stupid and misinformed(not least due to brainwashing by the Jew-run media, academia, and entertainment) that many Americans think that up to 25% of Americans are 'gay' or LGBTQ or whatever. Also, because of the Globo-Homo Jewish Pavlovian trick of associating 'gays' with cleanliness, kindliness, smiles-and-sunshine, lace and linen, the 'new normal', and even holiness(what with homo-colors now being displayed in churches & important occasions and with homo casualties of AIDS being canonized like saints), the majority of Americans now think there is nothing holier and more sacred than 'gayness'. Jews want it this way because Homomania is really Jewish-concocted, Jewish-funded, and Jewish-promoted proxy for Jewish globalist supremacism. Jews value homos as allies because both groups are ambitious, arrogant, and high-achievement(in many of the same sectors of vice, entertainment, narcissism, elitism, gangsterism, and intellectualism). Also, Jews want to normalize the idea that a minority elite should rule over a servile and cuckish majority. So, vast majority of non-Jews sucking up to the Jews = elite minority supremacism = vast majority of straights sucking up to Homos(and trannies).
But the fact remains that the Homo or H-Community is only 2.5% of the population, if that. Granted, some estimates put the percentage of LGBTQ folks at around 3.5% of the population, but even that is a small number. Why do we need L and G and B and T and Q(though some activists want to tag on even more letters) to name such a small community that could easily be summed up as HOMO or H is beyond common sense? One reason is Homos, the most powerful of whom are men, want to distract us from the biological fact of what homo-men do. They don't want us to focus on their being Ass-boys, or guys who stick their dongs up the arseholes of other men. They don't want us to ass-ociate homosexuality with fecal penetration among men. Even as they insist that homosexuality is BIOLOGICAL(and even genetic), they want us to regard homosexuality as essentially a cultural, creative, or even spiritual endeavor. So, we should look at the cultural manifestations and expressions of the Homo Community than focus on what homos do for 'sex'. (This is rather self-defeating because so much of homo expressions are lurid, erotic, and even downright pornographic. After all, most of what happens at 'gay pride' festivals are not reminders that Andre Gide and Marcel Proust were homos but that 'gays' are wild & crazy and want to have orgies in bathhouses.) Even if it's true that homos are disproportionately represented in the arts, culture, fashion, design, and entertainment -- the 'creative' domains -- , the fact is most homos aren't all that talented, and some have no sense for art. If homoness = creativity, it would follow that non-creative homos are not homo or 'gay'. But the fact is even the dumbest and least creative assboy is still a homo because he wants to indulge in penis-sucking and fecal penetration. If there is a common denominator among rich homos, poor homos, smart homos, dumb homos, creative homos, and un-creative homos, it's the fact that, when it comes to 'sexual' pleasure, they are all assboys, assniks, or asskins. Furthermore, there are plenty of non-homos even in fields commonly associated with homos. A lot of women work in fashion, and if there aren't more of them, it's because the 'Gay Mafia' conspire to keep the choicest positions for themselves. Some women grumble about this, but most dare not press the issue for the same reason that most non-Jews remain silent about crooked Jews in Hollywood. Homos, like Jews, are seen as sacred objects, and complaining about 'too many gays' or 'gay collusion' could lead to charges of 'homophobia'. And, that is why fashion has become more homo-heavy than it really needs to be. Also, there are plenty of straight men in arts and design. While homos are clearly disproportionately represented in such fields, they are far from being the exclusive domains of 'gay creativity'. Besides, there could be more non-homo men in certain fields IF such weren't so carefully guarded by the 'gay mafia' as their own. Homos are bitchy-shameless in working together behind-the-scenes and under-the-table to rig things in their favor. They are just like Jews and Asian-Indians in networking and intra-favoritism, if not more so. And because they have powerful allies among Jews, they can get away with a lot of things. Consider how so many homo perverts like Ed Buck got away with so much bad behavior because the corrupt Law was on his side. Rule of Law is for the birds, as far as the elites are concerned. The well-connected, esp if Jewish or homo, can get away with lots of stuff that we can't even imagine.
One reason why many non-homos steer free of homo-dominated fields and industries is because there is little recourse to being abused. If a homo grabs your ass or crotch and if you complain(and the matter turns into one of 'he said, he said'), the homo will have the edge because the Law and Media(both controlled by Jews) will side with the homo. Any media person or lawyer(or law firm) that takes a tough stance against corrupt & powerful Jews or homos knows that he will be targeted for destruction. (When Jews or homos fall, they are usually brought down by other Jews or homos. It's like only blacks can call black people 'nigger'.) Jews and Homos act like mafia goons. As far as they're concerned, Rule of Law is for the little guy. They use every dirty trick in the book to get theirs, and because of the Jew Taboo(the tripwire of 'antisemitism') and Gay Rites(the fear of blaspheming the Holy Homo with 'homophobia'), they can easily silence anyone left and right as they're backed with media power and mob passion(as tons of PC idiots can be relied upon to foam at the mouth and bark rabidly like deranged hounds in online forums or real-life protests; their lives and souls are so hollow that their main mode of feeling righteous is worshiping the Holy Homo and Tranny Angel). So, Jewish bad boys(and bad girls) and Homo perverts have gotten away with so much rotten behavior, all the while playing 'victim' against any criticism that is characterized as 'antisemitic' or 'homophobic'.
Anyway, if the H-Community insists on labeling itself as LGBT or LGBTQ, then the straight community should follow suit. After all, the straight community has more reasons to do so because there are so many more straight and normal people than homo and queer ones. Surely, if a mere 2.5% of the population gets to claim 4 or 5 letters to form an acronym, then the 97.5% of the population has even more justification for doing so. Then, what should be the acronym for the straight community? Well, there is N for Normal. There is S for Straight. There is M for male and F for female. That would be NSMF, but we may add R to mean Real: NSMFR. Why 'real'? Because unlike the LGBTQ pseudo-intellectualism that prefers to play with notions of 'gender', NSMFR-thought prefers the reality of Sex. Gender means socio-cultural constructions of sexual roles, whereas Sex means the biological reality of male and female. Now, used wisely, both terms are meaningful. After all, while it's biologically true that there are two sexes, male and female, the truth is different cultures and periods define manhood and womanhood somewhat differently. Some cultures believe it's okay for men to show their emotions and even cry, while other cultures say that's sissy behavior only suitable for womenfolk. Also, culture changes over time. At one time, it was common in the West for men to have long hair. And then, long hair was almost exclusively for women while men had short hair. But in the 1960s, it was vogue for men to grow their hair long again. So, gender is a useful notion in understanding that different cultures and different periods define manhood and womanhood differently. The problem is when notions of gender turn into a full-blown ideology and claim that maleness and femaleness themselves are social constructs than biological realities. That is surely crazy. Consider: Different cultures defined childhood and adulthood differently. What is deemed childish in one culture is acceptable among adults in another culture. So, society goes a long way in defining the ways of childhood and adulthood. However, it'd be crazy to conclude that, because culture plays a key role in defining the perimeters of the various stages of life, childhood and adulthood must totally be social constructs and have no basis in biological reality. That would mean puberty is a social than a biological process. While there is a grey area between childhood and adulthood, there is clearly a stage known as childhood and a state known as adulthood. (Maybe the rise of gender-confusion has something to do with arrested development, a perennial teenage-mentality among so many adults. After all, while there is obvious childhood and obvious adulthood, it is difficult to discern exactly when a child becomes an adult. It is a dramatic but gradual process whereupon children undergo hormonal changes to 'metamorphose' from kid to grown-up. But for several years, they have attributes of both children and adults, and they are very confused during this process. But eventually, the childhood phase is gone for good, and who was once a child and then a child-adult is fully an adult. Or, it used to be like that. But with the rise of Youth Culture, so many people are still stuck with teenage-mentalities[or even lower]. Whether it's adult males in the US hooked to comic book movies, Japanese women hooked to Hello Kitty, or even the cultural class seriously pontificating about silly Pop-Idol music, it's like so many adults failed to psycho-emotionally make it to adulthood even if their bodies did. The vile pop star madonna is still stuck on teenage-mentality. We have middle-aged women getting green or purple hair like they're Cyndi Lauper of "Girls Just Wanna Fun" fame. Many people, especially women, seem to be mentally aging backward when they reach their late 30s, trying ever more desperately to regain their youth. And consider Michael Jackson who was infected with a serious case of Peter-Pan-ism. Of course, Peter Pan character is both androgynous and 'agingynous', a creature between male and female, between childhood and adulthood. On Broadway, he was always played by a female for some reason.)By using the acronym LGBTQ, the H-Community has created the impression that it is much bigger than it really is. It's like birds puff up their plumage to seem larger and more intimidating or attractive. Homos have exaggerated their power by 'Political/Cultural Plumaging'. With the backing of powerful Jewish globalists and their soulless cuck-collaborators, Homos have been allowed to take over entire downtown areas for parades, grab an entire month for themselves, claim 'gay' and 'pride' as almost exclusively homo-related terms, festoon places secular and religious with homo 'rainbow' colors, and grab token roles in even in movies and TV shows that have nothing to do with homosexuality. The cult of Gay Rites is such that a shortcut to righteousness is to recite Holy Homo sacraments. After all, Associative Morality is so much easier than active morality. It's much more challenging to actually do a good deed than score righteous Pokemon points by mouthing PC platitudes or waving the Homo flag. Christians, especially Catholics, were masters of Associative Morality over the centuries. So, never mind all the un-Christian, greedy, and nasty things they did. As long as they repeated certain rituals and recitations of faith, they were on the side of the Good. How easier to justify yourself with blessed chants and holy symbols than to actually go out there and DO SOMETHING to make the world a better place. And PC morons are just a secular version of Catholic Associative-Moralists. As long as they gesture 'correctly' with 'gay' colors and chant about 'diversity' & 'inclusion', they are on the side of the 'good' because the Power says so.
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Just like a peacock exaggerates its size with grandiose display of feathers, the Homo Community uses globo-homo pageantry to fool the world into thinking it is much bigger than it really is. |
The undeniable truth is the straight community is totally essential and much larger than the H-community. After all, even homos(and trannies) were created by real sex by men and women. (We are now told that 'men' can have kids too, but such people are merely women pretending to be 'men'. One thing for sure, men who pretend to be 'women' cannot have kids. Funny that if indeed 'sex is just a social construct called gender'.) So, 'gay pride' is really False Pride. Besides, how can any real pride be based on fecal penetration and penis-sucking among men or vaginal-grinding among women, neither of which has ANY biological purpose or meaning? But then, at least vaginal grinding is relatively clean, whereas homo fecal penetration among men is downright gross, sickening, unhealthy, and disease-spreading. It is Homo-Factual, not 'homophobic', to state the obvious physical facts associated with assboys and their putrid behavior. In a free society, we can accept the right or freedom of homo men to do as they please, but such people have no right to forbid us from speaking the truth. Homo fecal penetration is objectively gross and disgusting. Just how is it good and sound for a male sex organ to enter a poopchute? And how is it healthy for an anus to be pummeled by penises? It's only good for spreading germs and diseases. So, all this talk of 'gay pride' is based on falsehoods that became rampant only because the academia, media, courts, finance, and whore-politicians are owned and controlled by Jews who are most closely allied with homos. And many elite non-Jewish cucks went along because they realized that homos are on their side socio-economically and because, being soulless and craven, their substitute for both Christianity and Enlightenment has come to be Homomania, a perverse neo-spiritualization of secular decadence. (As for conservatives who are privately repulsed by Homomania, they kept silent because of the fear of Jewish Power that threatened anyone who overtly opposes the Agenda with excommunication and exile from elite circles.) If 'gay pride' is false pride, then REAL PRIDE is about the truth of love between men and women that is the foundation of life and meaning. So, let homos yammer about the false pride of 'gay pride'. Normal-Straight-Male-Female-Realists or NSMFR's should own REAL PRIDE. And the 'gay rainbow' of the LGBTQ freaks should be countered with the True Rainbow of the NSMFR. Though I've never been a Believer, I can appreciate the symbolism of the rainbow in the story of Noah and the Ark. How did Noah save life on Earth? He took one male and one female of each species, and upon finding land, the animals in Noah's ship embarked to replenish the world with life once again. That is the truth of life. It is created through the union of male and female. It is as true as 2 + 2 = 4 and the fact that the Earth is round and revolves around the Sun. But, Jews who've gained control of media, academia, finance, courts, and government would have us believe that homosexuality is just as biologically viable and normal(or new normal) as Real Sexuality between Man and Woman. Jews have fooled the dummies and the shallows. Dumb people can be made to believe anything, and shallow people, even if smart, are slaves of fads and fashion in their conceit of being 'cutting edge' or 'more evolved'. Their eyes are focused on what trinkets are hung on trees than on how the tree is alive only because of its deep roots in the soil. The truth of life is like a tree. And yet, there is a mystery to life that makes it seem a miracle. And that miracle is the creation of life from the love between man and woman. Then, it is fitting that in the Noah Story, the rainbow is associated with rebirth of life and re-population of the Earth by the mating of male and female. But in our deranged age, Jews have associated the rainbow with homo fecal penetration, lesbian poon-grinding, and tranny dick-and-ball-cutting-to-get-fake-vaginas.
Now, not all Jews are so demented as to support such foulness, but the great majority of Jews are totally supportive of Homomania, mainly because they see it as a proxy of Jewish globo-homo supremacism. We must reclaim the rainbow, the True Rainbow. Let homos have their 'gay rainbow' that is associated with buggery and penis-cutting. The True Rainbow must be associated with Noah and the truth of life, as either gift of God or product of evolutionary process. God or nature, the fact of life is that all complex animals and humans are born of male and female involving the proper use of sexual organs.
We hear so much about the hate and intolerance toward the LGBTQ community, but the fact is the Jew-run West is now all about hate and intolerance of the NSMFR Community, which is 97.5% of humanity. Just like Jews who are 2% of America push around the 98% that is gentile, Homos and Trannies(who are 2.5% of the population) push the rest of us around. Homos and even Trannies act in such manner because they have the backing of Jews. Just like the Tattaglias in THE GODFATHER got cocky because Barzini had their back, Homos know they can gay-whip the rest of us as long as all-powerful Jews keep them as the #1 ally.
This is why Homos are so hellbent on serving Jewish Globo-Homo power. Wherever Jewish Hegemony spreads, the priority is given to Homomania. Indeed, given the cult of Gay Rites, Jews can 'pink-wash' all their crimes around thew world by sticking Gay Victory Flags all over. So, Jewish financial gangsters on Wall Street and Zionist-globalist warmongers have been able to justify their deeds as being in service of spreading Holy Homomania. Just like so many morally-minded Westerners once supported imperialism as a vehicle of Christianity, so many proggies support globo-homo imperialism as a spreader of Holy Homo Faith. If Pentagon paints 'gay' colors on a bomb, most proggies will not protest even if it kills many innocents in the Middle East and Ukraine. After all, it'd be a holy homo bomb. Because homos are naturally arrogant, snobby, and narcissistic, the notion of 'enough' is not in their vocabulary. They want to be cheered and praised by all the world. They want to own the entire world as their stage, strut around like fashion models, and wave their sassy-assy homo colors at everyone. If Jews have chutzpah that makes them insatiable with power-lust, egomania, and greed, Homos have poopchutzpah that makes them preen like globo-neo-aristocrats over the unwashed masses. Jews whine about 'antisemitism'(and homos nag about 'homophobia'), but the Current West is all about Jewish globalists robbing us blind, addicting us to opioids, feeding us cultural slop, and hooking us to gambling. It is also about Jews riding the White Horse to wage Hate Campaigns around the world at Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Palestinians. Jews bitch about 'hate', but it's hard to think of another people as hate-filled and murderous as Jews. Jews insist that we must keep bombing nations hated by Israel. Jews insist we must hate Russia and Iran even though it's the Jews, not Russians or Iranians, who robbed us financially and are taking away our freedom, rights, guns, pride, and border security. Chutzpahistic Jews are great at projection. They hate and hate, but when we say NO MORE to their hatred and demand liberation from Jewish Supremacism, they accuse Us of hate. Imagine that. It's like a master blaming a slave-who-wants-to-be-free-of-the-master of 'slavery'. So, if we no longer want to hate Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, & Palestinians and if we no longer want to take part in Wars for Israel, Jews say WE are guilty of 'hate' and 'antisemitism'. What a vile disgusting bunch of people. Granted, not all Jews are this demented, and there are courageous Jewish voices who see the injustice of what Jewish globalist-supremacists are doing, but they are too few and far between, and the depressing fact is that nearly all powerful Jews are globo-homo supremacists and warmongers and the vast majority of Jews support the globo-homo hegemonic imperialism of monsters like Sheldon Adelson and Chuck Schumer. Scratch the surface of Jewishness, and there is little difference between Jewish Liberals and Jewish Conservatives. Both are just veiling themselves behind convenient ideologies to push forth what is essentially a Tribal-Supremacist Agenda.
As for homos and trannies of the LGBTQ community, we know how hissy, bitchy, nasty, and vicious these preening, sneering, snobby, snotty, narcissistic, neo-aristocratic, and hyper-elitist pricks can be. Homos were never going to be content with mere tolerance because, as with Jews and Negroes, there is something ultra-egomaniacal and megalomaniacal about their character. There is a reason why so many homos gravitate toward fashion, entertainment, vice industries, and elite sectors. This is especially true of homo men. They have the combination of male aggression and female vanity. Imagine combining James Cagney with the Queen in SNOW WHITE, and there you have the basic homo character. (What makes homo men especially neurotic is they are obsessive about order, neatness, and cleanliness BUT they indulge in gross acts like fecal penetration. Homos are germ-freaks who smear their puds with fecal matter. Homos are more sensitive of odors but stick their dongs in the most malodorous part of the body. It's no wonder they are so twisted in the head. But because so many homos are so fastidious in public demeanor, they are regarded as cleaner-than-clean, even though their public image hides so much that is gross about their 'sexual' behavior. Indeed, because of people are so besotted with the fancy-pants public image of homos, they get upset when reminded that homos actually indulge in gross acts like bung-donging. It's like triggering a snob at a fancy restaurant that his dish is the product of slaughter of animals OR some oligarch that his fortune owed to the military-industrial-complex that destroyed countless innocent lives in the Middle East.) So, once society decided to let homos run around footloose, dickloose, and buttloose, they were likely to act in wretched ways. In a way, the trajectory of homos paralleled that of Counterculture. The truly wild & crazy mavericks burned out in the 60s and 70s with excessive drugs, sex, and/or violence. In the end, the real winners were the less reckless radicals who hit the books and gained access to institutions. Likewise, the truly wild homos dropped like flies in the 80s in the AIDS epidemic because they couldn't resist going from bathhouse to bathhouse to bugger as many bungs as possible. They burned out or were burned by HIV. In the long run, the rise of homo supremacy owed to homos with a modicum of self-control to go for the bigger pie than the easy fudge. The self-restrained homos were just as subversive deep down inside, but they favored long-term power, prestige, and privilege over short-term debauchery and revelry. Paradoxically, the 'conservative'-styled homos were more dangerous in the long run because they could suppress their homo-lust and work patiently to gain access to the kind of people who mattered most. The kind of homo in the movie NO WAY OUT gained the most power by making themselves useful(even indispensable) to the powers-that-be. And being so close to power, they had the dirt on everyone, so if they went down, they could take others down with them. So, they came to be protected by the Power.
Anyway, just consider how the Homos(and even Trannies) wield their power in the Current Order. They bitch about 'intolerance' and 'hate', but they act queenie-meanie with neo-aristocratic airs. With the crucial help of Jews and craven cucks, they pushed through 'Gay Marriage' that would have us believe that the time-honored and bio-morally meaningful institution of marriage should be extended to guys who bugger each other in the butt or to go doctors and say, "Doc, cut off my dick and give me a fake pussy." It's not enough that they managed to push this degeneracy; they must go about acting like Cultural-Terminators hunting and mowing down anyone who refuses to swallow the validity of 'gay marriage'. These homos weren't content to be tolerated and free. They weren't content to push through 'gay marriage'. They aren't even content with destroying(with the help of Jews, of course) those who find 'gay marriage' and homo fecal-penetration to be gross. They now even demand that all churches(and even mosques) fly 'gay' colors and worship the homo butt with a pink dildo stuck inside.
In other words, LGBTQ agenda is an act of hate, intolerance, defamation, and desecration against the true values and symbols of the Normal-Straight-Male-Female-Realist or NSMFR community. It is time that the NSMFR community came together and spoke truth to power. It's about time they waved their symbols of the True Rainbow. It's about time they dug in their heels as to the facts of Real Sexuality. Truth and Reality are something we can't have enough of. In a world where Jews and the H-community push the sexuality of 2 + 2 = 5, the NSMFR community must come forth, take to the streets, and storm the institutions with the truth of 2 + 2 = 4 sexuality.
Truth is always true but can't assert itself. It has to be asserted by courageous and conscientious individuals. In a world where so many liars and lunatics insist that the World-is-Flat, the fact that the World-is-Round will not assert itself. It can only be asserted by people with courage and integrity who value truth over falsehood. Truth, no matter how true, cannot make itself known. It can only be known through those willing to tell the truth. Thus, anyone who dares to speak the truth in a world of lies is a revolutionary... like the boy in the story "Emperor's New Clothes". If you know the truth but keep silent while another person lies, most people will go with the lie because you haven't spoken the truth. Just like the police department can't know of a crime that is not reported, people cannot know of the truth unless there is someone willing to speak it.
And it is about time the NSMFR community came together and forth to speak the truth and push back against the decadence, degeneracy, hatred, and intolerance of the LGBTQ community that knows no bounds in shameless contempt for all that is true, sane, and healthy.
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