Hiding the truth is an essential part of this colossal fraud of pretending that this multi-racial society is going to work and — worst of all — that if it isn’t working it’s *our* fault. We’re supposed to believe that blacks and Guatemalans and Muslims would be just like us if only we would be nice to them. You can’t build a nation by hiding the truth. You destroy a nation by hiding the truth. And that is exactly what’s happening to the United States.
"Black Crime: Why Our Rulers Hide It"
Okay... but how about "Jewish Power: Why Jared Taylor Won't Name It"
So much truth and untruth. In the above remark, Jared Taylor's standing as a bold critic and his reputation as a craven cuck both come into focus. In the video, he goes on and on about black violence and crime, something all of us in the racial-reality-sphere is well aware of. I suspect plenty of Democrats, mainstream Republicans, and 'censorals'(which are what so-called censorship-crazed 'liberals' really are) know the actual facts on the ground as well, but as 'Blaconography' and 'Blacrements' are of the pseudo-spirituality of the age, it would be neo-blasphemous to speak the obvious.
How could anyone fail to notice that black violence and criminality are the main causes of urban decay? But then, even as people's gut feelings are informed by raw reality, their deep sense of Good vs Evil and the Sacred vs the Profane are instilled and cultivated by indoctrination, narratives, rapture, & idolatry/iconography; and the academia & media that offer glowing images and moving tales are in the hands of the Anti-Whites. So, even as one may be rattled as a witness or victim of black street crime, such is an animal response. It's intense and powerful but hardly inspiring or uplifting. At the very least, if race-ist(meaning race + ism = belief in the reality of race and racial differences) realities were accepted as common knowledge, people could honestly process instances of black violence they've either witnessed, heard about(from friends, family members, or co-workers), or experienced. But, because what should be a matter of open knowledge and discussion is suppressed by the taboo mechanism of Negrolatry, mental processes simply fail among many who feel dirty and 'sinful' for their negative emotions and fears(about foul Negro behavior).
So, they draw themselves even nearer to the narratives and idolatry of Black Sacredness to repress their inner 'racist' doubts about the project of racial integration and America finally realizing redemption and true greatness through the Sacred Negro Heart. After all, MLK is now bigger than all the white men of US history, and Harriet Tubman than all the white women. 'Good' whites have been taught that white 'racism' once denied justice and opportunity to innately noble blacks(who have real souls whereas whites got 'holes' instead), and therefore, whites must profusely beg forgiveness and mend past wrongs by making ever bigger gestures of atonement.
No wonder then that one of the great white fantasies is to root for black success, triumph, and riches, indeed to want blacks to succeed more than oneself and one's people. Take Michelle Obama, an affirmative action fool, but she is the idol of so many urban-gentry white women who feel personally invested in her success(despite bogusly acquired) on account that Michelle Obama represents what Harriet Tubman could have been had she lived in a just society.
Now, there's nothing wrong with rooting for past underdogs to do well in the present, but the sheer exaggeration of black achievements is way out of proportion, what with so-called 'well-educated liberals' solemnly intoning about Neil DeGgrassie Tyson as a great scientific mind or pretending Tehinisi Coates or Ibrahim Kendi X are 'intellectual heavyweights' and our moral betters. In just about every white American heart, there is a tug-of-war between the reality of black thuggery and the myth of black nobility, with no resolution in sight(except in sports and rap, where the thug-factor is a big turn-on for jungle-feverish whites in awe of black toughness). For one to accept the reality, one must do away with the myth of Negro Nobility, and to maintain the myth, one must suppress the facts of black thuggery. Generally, people like warmth more than cold, and facts are often cold and hard, whereas myths glow with hope and dreams. Unless the facts are overwhelming and inescapable, people generally favor the myth, and this is why so many whites are so hopeless in their fantasies of the Negro as a figure of divinity, like with Morgan Freeman dispensing hickory-smoked wisdom long-forgotten by whites and retrievable only through the Negro soul.
So many people, including plenty of so-called ‘conservatives’, willfully or disingenuously disregard the facts about race, and people like Jared Taylor certainly have a leg-up on them on matters of racial truth. But, Taylor’s blind-spot blocks him from realizing he’s guilty of the same failing that he accuses the ‘woke’ and cucky whites of. Perhaps, it’s not a blind-spot but a sensitive issue he is very much aware of but overlooks for the time being for strategic reasons, i.e. eventually the ultra-rich and high-IQ Jews will see the light and realize their future can only be secured in an alliance with whites.
But, it seems less a strategy than a matter of desperation, like the Hail Mary pass in the last seconds of the fourth quarter of a football game. After all, the clock is running out for the white race, and there are no signs that Jews will ever regard whites as equal partners or even junior partners. Jews must have their ethno-supremacist hegemonism over the world, and whites are acceptable only as servants, agents, managers, and soldiers(or dogs and horses).
Perhaps, Jews are gravely miscalculating their future odds by pinning their supremacist dominance on the subjugation and humiliation of whites(though, of course, the white collaborators, or House Honkeys, are fulsomely rewarded with carrots), but that’s how they think and operate. At the very least, Jewish forecast of future events, however misguided it may be, is nevertheless far less delusional and demented than the white race-realist hope that there will one day be a secular conversion of the Jews towards a defense of the white race and civilization.
In other words, Jewish delusions are still less nutty than those of Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, and the like. In the 1980s and 1990s, whites on the American Right may have felt encouraged with their inroads into the Jewish Community, but what they ended up with were the Neocons. Besides, it wasn’t so much a case of the American Right winning over the Jews but Jews worming into the American Conservatism to remake it into yet another vehicle(and battleship) for Jewish Power.
Indeed, the ONLY racial angle that Neocons ever cared about was Jewish identity and interests embodied by Zionism and Yinonism. Neocons, insistent upon whites serving Jews, worked with Neo-Lib Jews to suppress any last vestige of white identity, pride, and interests. Neocons weren’t Jews allied with white conservatives against Jewish so-called Liberals but Jewish ‘conservatives’ working with Jewish ‘liberals’ behind the scenes to manipulate white conservatives into serving Jews, much like how Jewish ‘liberals’ had manipulated white liberals for the same purpose. Neocons fulfilled the Jewish Dream of gaining total control of both political parties. Democratic Party had traditionally been the base of Jewish Power, and the GOP became yet another Jewish tool through the machinations of Neocons who ran circles around the likes of Bill Buckley who proved to be weak men.
Over time, patterns emerge, and one can't help but notice Taylor has been willfully leaving out the Jewish Factor in his criticism and commentary. This seems odd when the group most responsible for his marginalization and deplatforming has been Jewish. Is Taylor fearful of Jews? They’ve done much to destroy his life and reputation, but can they do even more to totally break him? Or, is Taylor’s last conceit of ‘respectability’ — “At least, I'm not like David Duke or Richard Spencer” — , which gains him access to a few venues available for American Renaissance conferences, so precious to him that he won’t go all the way and name the Jewish Power, whereupon he will be shut out from absolutely everything?
At any rate, there are parallels between the Jewish Strategy and the Taylor Strategy. Jews(who control academia, media, deep state, and whore politicians) remain silent about black thuggery, criminality, and pathology for the same reason that Taylor remains silent about Jewish subversion, gangsterism, and pathology. An ulterior motive is at work in the tactical silence about certain topics to gain a bigger advantage. Jews-in-the-know(and most Jews know far more than they let on to the dimwit goyim) privately understand what Taylor means about racial differences and black problems. Jews have long done business with blacks, and they have as many gripes about blacks as blacks do about Jews. It’s true Jews fleeced many blacks, but blacks were often obnoxious, derelict, and unreliable(and whatever they earned, they blew on bling like idiots); and wherever possible, blacks stole and grabbed whatever they could from Jews. Jews know racial differences are real and all that. But that knowledge, if made public and acceptable, could undermine Jewish Power that relies so heavily on white cuckery to the Tribe.
Granted, even without whites cucking to Jews, Jews could be successful and wealthy on meritocracy alone, but Jewish Chutzpah-ism isn’t content to live with whites as equals or partners. No, Jews must have power over whites, and that means control. As it’s nearly impossible for Jews, a mere 2% of the population, to physically conquer and subdue the much larger white goy population, whites must be manipulated emotionally and ‘spiritually’; their hearts must be played like a violin. Jews figure they tried peaceful co-existence with white goyim, but it led to the Holocaust. (Of course, Jews omit the reasons as to why Germans and the like were driven to such hatred. If anything goes wrong between Jews and goyim, the Jewish Narrative would have us believe pure-as-snow Jews were suddenly pogromed by goyim-gone-mad, just like Mad Vlad Putin happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to invade Ukraine.) And so, Jews have decided they must rule over whites, especially Anglo-Americans and Germans.
With the latter, it’s easy as Germany has been the whore-puppet of the US since the end of World War II, and there’s also the Eternal Holocaust Guilt, which obliges Germans to suck up to Jewish demands at every turn, even if it means, ironically enough, lending material and moral support to Sub-Nazi elements in Ukraine being employed by Jews against Russia. With Anglos, the trick has mainly been to guilt-bait(and jungle-feverize) them with blackness for two reasons: Black Slavery in the South(and Jim Crow) and Black Stardom in popular music and sports. White Americans, amazed and dazzled by blacks in sports and music, are prone to feel guiltier about whatever wrongs were done to them. (Of course, Jews did their share in Western Imperialism, slave trade, and exploitation of blacks, but never mind.)
So, even though Jews know blacks are exceedingly problematic, they also see them as black gold as a leverage against whites. If Jews had to choose a white world and a black world to live in, they’d obviously choose the white one. With whites, they could have civilization and order. With blacks, they’d be surrounded by savages who would drive Jews crazy. But, the danger of living in an all-white world is that whites may come to resent Jews out of envy and/or aggrievement, and the worst case scenario for Jews is explosions of ‘antisemitism’ followed by exile(yet once again), or even something like the Shoah. So, ‘diversity’ is ideal for Jewish Power, especially one that involves whites and blacks as Jews could play one against the other. Blacks, for reasons stated above, are optimally useful to Jews for their over-representation in the visceral fields(which fills whites with admiration and awe) and in poverty(which can be blamed on ‘white supremacism’ or ‘systemic racism’).
Anyway, that is why Jewish control of academia/media is so invested in suppressing the facts about black pathology, thuggery, and criminality. Jared Taylor once surmised that once whites become cognizant of the real sources of black problems in the civilizational setting — combination of lower IQ, higher aggression, and jive-ass nature — , the power of ‘white guilt’ will begin to fade. They will realize most black problems stem from nature rather than history.
Now, we can understand why blacks would object to such knowledge for reasons of pride and grift. Black egotism or Afromania is too vain and boastful to admit there’s anything wrong with blacks or blackness, and blacks know a good thing when they see one: ‘White Guilt’ is the golden goose for black race-hustlers.
Of course, there’s also the element of fear as whites are frightened of black riots and rampages, but then white fear doesn’t lead to (re)action precisely because of the paralysis of ‘white guilt’. After all, whites have long feared black thuggery and red savagery(out in the Western frontier), but they reacted with equal or greater violence in the past because whites weren’t burdened by the ‘guilt’ thing. But because of Negrolatry and white reverence for blacks(even for a lowlife scum like George Floyd), white fear doesn’t burn as white rage and reaction but shrivels into flaccidity at the feet of BLM charlatans.
Taylor has acknowledged how blacks exploit ‘white guilt’, but why won’t he discuss how Jews are also invested in it for their own interests? Why is Taylor so chicken to name the Jewish Power? Or, does he tell himself that it’s really just a matter of strategy because, as things surely get worse, the smart-and-rich Jews will have no choice but to come over to the white side, and the Ju-White Alliance will seal the deal for the future of the hu-white race?
Whatever his reasoning or motives, the fact is Jews have the intelligence of Episcopalians but the character of Sicilians. With Jews, the Rule of Law becomes a matter of Lawfare(or Jewfare), or manipulating the law as a political and/or racial weapon. Too many Jewish judges and lawyers(and of course journalists) act like mafia dons, bosses, and hitmen without any sense of principle or honor(unless absolute loyalty to the Tribal supremacism counts as some kind of higher value).
Perhaps, Jews are just as deluded in their Jewish-Black Alliance as Taylor is in his dream of Ju-White Alliance, but there it is, incontestably so, and only a fool, liar, or coward would claim otherwise. Taylor’s running cover for Jews when Jews beat him with a stick is downright pathetic, up there with Donald Trump sucking up to Jews while they ram him in the arse. It’s all the worse because Taylor, a totally vilified figure with zero respectability in mainstream circles, has nothing to lose by naming the Jewish Power.
Furthermore, it’s not necessarily true that naming the Jewish Power will lead to the fate of David Duke who, by the way, ruined his reputation for life not so much by criticizing Jewish Power but by playing silly games with the KKK and the like. Nicolas Fuentes, despite being banned from just about everything, has been gaining in popularity because he’s a straight shooter on matters of power and how that power is often used for tribal purposes. Noticing and criticizing Jewish Power need not be associated with KKK or Neo-Nazis or such tomfoolery.
Perhaps, as the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and Taylor is simply of a generation that can’t break free of the spell. They remember a time when Anglo-Americans ruled and Jews were ascendant(yet not dominant), when a Jewish-White alliance based on mutual respect and understanding was a possibility. That ship sailed a long time ago. As such, when the likes of Taylor and Pat Condell go on and on about Muslims, it’s worse than delusional; it’s downright pathetic.
Besides, even as Jews find anti-Muslim feelings among whites to be politically advantageous — Jewish ploy is always make-goy-fight-goy, and it sure comes in handy for Neocons when white dummies are led to fight Wars for Israel against Arabs/Muslims — , they also find it a bit unnerving. The way Jews see it, expressions of ‘Islamophobia’ are eerily a variation of ‘antisemitism’ of yesteryear. Today, it’s hate-the-Muslim-Semites, but it wasn’t all that long ago when Western hostilities were directed at Jewish Semites. Jews have opined numerous times that they dread to live in an all-white society as there is always the chance that whites will turn against Jews. Perhaps, Jews are being paranoid, but the history of Jewish-White relations hasn’t always been easy or pleasant, to say the least. Also, despite endless warnings about ‘antisemitism’, I suspect many Jews know full well that anti-Jewish feelings often result from anti-goy deeds by Jews. But, just as the cult of BLM always makes blacks out to be the victims, the current orthodoxy holds that Jews are never in the wrong vis-a-vis goyim(especially whites) and no blame must ever be placed at the feet of Jews.
If Taylor were honest, he would admit he is guilty of the very same thing he accuses the elites of academia/media/government of. He too is selective with facts and omits certain issues from the discussion. Jews know their power rests on white submission, which is secured via ‘white guilt’ mainly about blacks(and so, we have endless media lamentations about Emmett Till). In addition, as Jewish Power and Wealth are now so excessive, Jews sensationalize the bogeyman of ‘white privilege’ and ‘systemic racism’ as misdirection from the fact that the West is ruled by Jewish Supremacism and Zionist Exceptionalism. When it’s not Evil Whitey, it’s Russia-Russia-Russia, with some side servings of China-China-China and Iran-Iran-Iran. Any trick to make goyim in the West bark at anything other than Jewish Power(and its key allies, homos and blacks). Frame it all on whites.
But, Taylor plays the same game. In a kind of battered-wife-syndrome, cucky Taylor is like a wife who clings to the hope that her abusive husband will return to her, and they can live happily ever after. People like Jared Taylor and John Derbyshire long ago concluded that Jews are not only rich and powerful but indispensable because whites rely on Jewish brilliance, wit, and genius to make Western Civilization work. So, just like the father awaiting the return of the Prodigal Son, the likes of Taylor pray for the Prodigal Jew to finally see the light and embrace their fellow-whiteness and use their genius, influence, and wealth for the security of white folks. And so, the whole truth and nothing but the truth are never to be expected from people like Taylor. They will mention blacks, Muslims, Latinos, Asians, and etc. but they will ignore the 800 lb Jewish Gorilla in the room because their strategy hinges on the change of the Jewish heart.